Wednesday, January 29, 2014

            The case for the plot holders whose sale deeds were executed under the direction of  Hon’bl Apex Court, was heard on 27th Jan. 2014 at 2.00 pm. and following orders issued:

            When the matter came up for hearing before this court on Jan 16, 2014, Mr. V. Shekhar, Sr, advocate appearing for the colonizer- M/s. Durga Builders (P) Ltd., submitted that he will look into the matter & submit their response by today.  Today unfortunately, he is not present.  In his place Mr. Mohan Kr. Advocate appeared.

            We are sorry to note that the Managing Director of M/s. Durga Builders (P) Ltd, though present on 16th Jan., 2014, is absent today.  Therefore, we are not in a position to ascertain to whether they are ready and willing to carry out the internal development works.

            In such circumstances, we direct personal present of all the Directors of M/s. Durga Builders (P) Ltd. On Feburary 03, 2014 at 2.00 p.m. failing which non-bailable warrants shall be issued against each of the Directors.
            In the meantime, Mr. Nanender Hooda, learned Sr. Advocate appearing for the Haryana Urban Development Authority will also ascertain if the Colonizer is not carrying out the internal development works, whether the authority would take up the job and if that be so, what would be approximate amount required for carrying out the work, which amount could be recovered from the colonizer as well as the plot owners, if it is legally permission uner the law.
            The Director Town & Country Planning, Govt. of Haryana shall also be personally present on the next date so that this long pending issue could be finally resolved.

            At this stage Mr. Mohan Kr. Counsel appearing for the colonizer, submitted that they will sit

            Put up on February 03,2014 at 2.00 P.M.
                                                                                                                        -Court Master


Friday, January 24, 2014

Dear Members,

The case was heard by the bench of Hon’ble Apex Court on 16th Jan. 2014 at 2.00 p.m.  and passed the  following   orders:-                                                                                                                                      
“As directed by this Court, a report dated January 11, 2014 has been filed. All the applicants,  who may want to file  a reply to this  report, may  do so within four weeks.  A  copy of their  reply/IAs may be  made available to Mr. Narender Hooda, Learned Adl. Advocate General  (Sr.) who will examine the same and come out with the response within four weeks  thereafter.                                                                                                                                                
Mr. P.S. Narsimhan  learned senior advocate, submitted that about 627 plots can be made available over & above the  plots that are stated to be available by Mr. Hooda.  The colonizer who is  presented by Mr. V. Shekhar, learned sr. Advocate shall examine the same and file his report in  this  regard.                                                                                                                                                             
Put up on March 12, 2014 at 2.00 p.m.”
Necessary reply is being prepared by us on behalf of our members and will be submitted to Court as well as Mr. Hooda as directed above.

Further it is added that A Writ was also before the Hon'ble bench to provide the civic amenities to the plot holders of different Associations  whose favour sale deeds were executed under the direction of Hon'ble Apex Court long back. The Court directed to govt. to come with full report  on Jan. 27, 2014 at 2.00 p.m.
Our some members have not deposited the legal charges despite of repeated  requests, however, all such members are requested to  please  pay the  required  legal  charges   Rs. 3000/= immediately.                                                                                                                                 
Please also visit this web blog of Association regularly  for latest information.

                                                                                                    -   MP PANDEY,                                                                                                                           GENERAL SECRETARY (HONORARY)